Submissions are expected to comply with the following guidelines.

Authors are required to sign in to the Article Tracking System with their email addresses and chosen passwords to make submissions and keep track of the assessment process. All authors are reminded to wait until all referee reports are collected, because the system allows for only one editing after submission. If an author edits the submission based on the comments of one referee, and further editing is required after the second referee provides their comments, editing the submission a second time will not be possible.

Title: Title should be descriptive, relevant to the content, and written in 11 point boldfacetype.
Author(s) name(s) and address(es): The title of the submission must not contain the name, title, institution and email of the author. Since the system administrator is able to view author names, these will be added to the article by the editor. Please make sure that the submission contains no personally identifiable information about the author. This is necessary for the referees to act in total freedom.

Abstract: Abstracts between 200 to 250 words, written both in English and Turkish, must be provided before the beginning of the article to briefly summarize the content. Three to five descriptive keywords must be provided after one blank line beneath the abstract. Abstracts must be written single-spaced, with 9 point typeface, and indented 1 cm from right and left.

Main Body: Body must be in A4 format (29,7×21 cm.), typed in Microsoft Word or similar software with 10 point Georgia typeface, with full line spacing and 12-point spacing before and after. Pages must have 2.5 cm margins on both sides and must not contain page numbering. The body of the submission, excluding abstract and bibliography, must be between 5 to 30 page. Paragraphs should not be indented.

Footnotes: Must be single-spaced and written with 8-point typeface.

Chapters: Articles may be organized into chapters and subheadings for convenience, and these may be numbered if necessary.

Tables and Figures: Tables must contain a title and a number, and placed relevantly within the body text. Figures must be suitable for color printing. Figure numbers and titles must be immediately below the figure and centered.

Images: Images must be high-resolution, scanned at print quality, and placed relevantly within the body text. Images are subject to the same title conventions as figures.

Quotations and Citations: All articles must follow the citation and reference guidelines below. Incompliant submissions will be returned to their authors for correction. Quotations in the body text that are more than a few sentences long must be indented 1 cm. from left and right:

Sources used in articles must be cited as follows in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section to follow the body text:

The BIBLIOGRAPHY section at the end of the body text must list the sources in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames. Entries must have hanging indent (Paragraph-Indents and Spacing-Indentation-Special-Hanging Indent). Although there are bibliographies in different writing systems, the bibliography with Latin writing system is requested.

Refer to the APA style manual for citation and bibliography. (

NOTE: Valued authors, please review your citations for compliance with the style guides of our journal; you are kindly asked to submit your articles after ensuring that they are compliant with the style guidelines of the journal.

We would like to thank you for your interest in our journal, and wish you success in your endeavors.
This content was issued on 13.04.2023 and has been viewed for 229 times.