Thesis Editing

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Page Fee


R-1 Formatting according to the institute manual

3 $

∼2 gün

R-2 Detailed language and expression editor

6 $

∼4 gün

R-3 Academic language and style

9 $

∼4 gün

Note: Our prices do not include VAT. The duration information is approximate for a 100-page thesis. The fee is paid immediately after the agreement. For overdue or delayed services, we deduct 3 percent per day from the fee. 
1 page counts as 250 words.


R-1 Formatting according to the institute manual

Necessary editing studies are carried out according to the Institute Writing Guide.
Arrangement of front pages (inner and outer cover, preface, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables)
Editing headings and paragraphs
Making the page layout suitable for the guide,
Setting figure and table captions,
Arranging in-thesis citations according to the guide,
Arrangement of the bibliography according to the guide.


R-2 Detailed language and expression editor

Elimination of speech disorders,
Ensuring the integrity of meaning and logic,
Bringing fluency to the work,
Elimination of punctuation errors,
Correction of typos,
Communication of detected academic errors.


R-3 Academic language and style

Compliance with the expression required by the field,
Compliance with scientific explanation,
Title, sub-title, introduction, conclusion, font, table, diagram, graphic, source and bibliography, citation control
Person identifiers, non-personalized structure, roof control
Controlling phrases to avoid
Control of metadiscourse expressions


WARNING: RumeliYA Publishing y Publishing only provides editorial and proofreading services. Besides, our way is closed.


This content was issued on 13.01.2022 and has been viewed for 726 times.